you have got to be joking.
my aunt called. she's on the phone with my mum right now.
they are discussing the sembi scenario. and i'm a pro at eavesdropping on their conversations (i mean. you can hear it from almost anywhere in the house.)
anyway mum's been thinking of putting sembi down... she still cant poo/pee by herself, and she's too lazy to even walk around by herself. well the poo/pee factor is the catch.
it's a) gross; and b) time consuming.
mum dsnt want to spend her life washing the poo off sembi's bum. who can blame her? she's got a life too!
and i'm not stupid. i heard.
my aunt's solution to the problem? GET ANN TO DO IT.
honestly, my aunt? definitely NOT in my top ten fav ppl list right now.
i mean. helloooo?! school? i've done it before (to my mum's credit, i almost threw up. i think mum's superwoman for tahanning.) but i have no time goddamnit.
if you want to clean sembi's bum you jolly well come back and do it yourself. pin it on me? go die. pls. now and then i dont mind but it's not like you, of all ppl, have a right to volunteer MY time.
and my uncle? her opinion? NAH HE'S GOT TO BE BUSY. hello?! student with hw and school and all the chores? more time than the one who spends the whole freaking day on the net? pls! i'm free, but still. he's free-er. it's my time. i'll do it, but not if she tells me to. if my mum did i wouldnt mind.
damn it.