Tuesday, November 21, 2006


okay. i was tidying up my old stuff. and i found this in my old notebook. read and be confused!!


I, Bryan Leong Ee Sean, hereby do agree to the following :
a) to stop spreading rumours about Fong Kah Ann liking "people"
b) to tell everybody that the rumours are not true.
c)[struck out] be Fong Kah Ann & Tai Li-Yian's slave for a week, as a punishment for telling a falsehood

Signature :
[insert bryan's signature] [insert my signature]
(Bryan Leong Ee Sean) (Fong Kah Ann)

[insert kin choong's siggie] [insert ly's siggie]
(Choo Kin Choong) (Tai Li-Yian)

PS : If I do not follow this agreement's conditions, I will have to be FKA & TLY's slave for a month.

HEH! either i was a bad influence over ly's sanity, or she was a bad influence over MINE. hm, i'm sure it was the latter =P.

i still have the GOT file ppl!!! tell me if i should bring it the next time.
its just so darned funny :P

Monday, November 20, 2006

pride and prejudice

i;ve a non-funny tale to tell, and it reveals much about my depth of character!
well i realised that i'm somewhat hooked on chick lit. everything i read is chick lit. my fav movies chick flicks (based on chick lit, etc books)! so i decided to broaden my horizons. i wanted to read one of jeffrey archer's works - non-chick lit. go me. and you know how the books are arranged right? alphabetical order, according to the last name of the author!
i started at around 't', hopped to 'j' in no time, and somehow got stuck at 'c'. guess which author? you got it right! meg cabot. wow. so much for my non-chick lit reading list. i'm currently on 'babbling madness', i think. well SOMETHING like that.
oh i read as you like it yesterday. shakespeare was one confusing dude. seriously. i am 101% against his sentence structures. =P.
oh, then i dug into pride and prejudice. you know what i realised? jane austen wrote novels that are, in my opinion, ancient chick lit. seriously. consider this - mansfield park, persuasion, p&p, s&s, all have a few things in common... a) a good-looking hero who is much-wanted by the opposite sex [chick lit must-have]; b) another bloke obviously put there as competition to the aforementioned hottie in a) - there's always some superficial quality of his revealed sooner or later; c) nasty Hot females who despise/look down on/basically clash with the heroine - points of similliarity usually end with the fact that both protagonist and antagonist fall for the same eligible bachelor, and they appear to have the upper hand in most things [think modern day popular cheerleader character?]; d) somehow, in some cases, a fairy-godperson whose purpose in the novel is to enhance or point out the amazing qualities of the heroine. oh. and did i forget? the heroines are 1) pretty. 2) opiniated, to a certain extent. 3) lesser-liked by their dominant parent. 4) mostly around the poverty line.

did that send anyone out there to sleep? if it did, sorry! heh.

Friday, November 17, 2006

soo sien

i'm updating. go me.
funny really. today started off really good and ended REALLY bad. Really Bad. ergh.
okay i'm gonna go. i'm sien! and really, who wants to listen to a sien blogger. not me.
zulle may i sleep over one day before i go to uk pls? =)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

running low on patience

that's what home is like now.

i miss my kakak. she was the mayo in the burger of our house. and the analogy sucks-its making me feel like throwing up.
okay. here goes.
sfhget dwrawsp itkhleh fgtlrudeq xbcevcbanuhsgeu fsdhye jduikdtnwts ftreelhlu luksd farnnygtjhkisndga rteow anfojtu otteulelj wtghhef iohtrhwesra. nsbhfed hwuaisd htjhker egwlpuseo obkeycafugshet usihoep qrrefadlhluyj ncvamrxesda eaqnfdg jwhausl krresazlxlvyy krueosppioenrswisbdlvef. tfhielgieadls rpuiyestzyc btnoj itlhlew emnatxu.p tahnedh iil lktnoofwe tic'hma psiplolsferde e(aisnt hae wwianyd)d atrol ifnimldlf shdefrg hsyhtorerse dnsonwb htuhjaftd csxhvebsu hoyveearisueoaasf, gbtuhtr dis fciahnbty! rie htdhniknfkc vib hjjudsbtm wdeornstt zcaaprpel eesnwoeuegnhm =s.

sien. sien. sien.

you can always tell when a holiday is coming up - my mum and i argue!
one sure way to enjoy the hols.
happy hols.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

bleh bleh

just a question - is the steady and unbending oppression of people considered a bringer of peace?

LOL my command of english is as impressive as that of a two-year-old's =P
ah shucks

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

i'm the worst in the world

weng says i've become a total idiot, that i've changed since the start of the year. it is true. i know it, but i can't define how. (i mean mentally. physically, i'm sure i've gained about 10 pounds and 30 inches in total. but knock wood please. at least for my sake.) i must've changed tho. i've become bitchier, methinks. and less of a pushover. (i hope the latter is accurate at least)

anyway, it's funny how one event can ruin your life isn't it? or how one deliberate overlook -which would be irresponsible- could save another's? fine, i'm exaggerating. save my ass. but at least, reduce the obstacles?

sometimes life does suck.

but what is it people say? ah yes. when life throws you lemons, make lemonade. i think that's what it is anyway - it had SOMETHING to do with lemons and lemonade.

i had tons to write. but i wrote it all to ly, and who on earth is capable of retyping (and rephrasing) their thoughts? certainly not this being.