"Men, you're going to love this. Women, you're not going to believe it. A poll conducted by Playgirl magazine determined that women like men to be a little hairy and chubby.
The New York Daily News reports that among 2,000 readers of Playgirl, 42 percent said they thought love handles were sexy, while another 47 percent approved of chest hair. To that end, the magazine is on the hunt for a man who fits these criteria. No toned hunks need apply.
Just 4 percent of the women polled said a man's wealth matters, while fully 73 percent preferred a man who is "rough around the edges." "This survey shows that the guy who's most attractive to our readers is not your average Hollywood hunk," Playgirl editor Jill Sieracki told the Daily News. "It's the average Joe who came up on top. Women are practical about their choices, and they're smart."
Meanwhile, when Cargo magazine asked 866 women the sexiest clothing a man can wear, the overwhelming answer with 58 percent of the response was blue jeans and a T-shirt! Another 19 percent prefer their guys in a stylish shirt and pants, and 17 percent say a suit and tie is best."
dot.dot.dot. chubby, hairy guys? isn't that a bit babboonish? =s/. and what on earth are love handles anyway. =s!! and toned hunks definitely on MY list if noone else's! lol!
"Boxers vs. Briefs: Which One Wins?
How many men wear boxers? How many prefer their tighty-whities? The answer: 42 percent of men prefer briefs, while 36 percent go for boxers. We're not sure what the remaining 22 percent are wearing--if anything."
"A sampling of guy trivia for men everywhere and the women who love them from "When It Comes to Guys, What's Normal?":
* The average man laughs 15 times a day and cries 1.4 times a month.
* Almost 90 percent of men describe themselves as "shy."
* 88 percent of men work full-time.# 86 percent confess they have fudged information on their resumes.
# 80 percent of men admit they sometimes interrupt others in conversation.
# 66 percent of men collect rubber bands.
# 66 percent feel younger than their age.
# What would a guy do for $1 million? 60 percent would take the rap for someone else and spend six months in jail.
# 58 percent of men eat corn-on-the-cob row by row, rather than randomly.
# 46 percent of men have no facial hair.
# 44 percent of men said "I love you" when it wasn't true.
# 43 percent of men admit they don't always turn off their cell phones at the movies or theater.
# 35 percent watch TV when they're feeling blue.
# 34 percent help with cooking meals or doing the dishes.
# 20 percent use porn to spice up their sex life.
# 19 percent of men do housework daily.
# 14 percent take a daily nap.
# 14 percent of men admit they would park in a handicapped spot.
# 14 percent of men describe themselves as "feminist."
# 6 percent of self-defined straight rural men use nail polish.
# 4.5 percent of men have tried archery.
# 4 percent have bet on a horse race in the past year.
# 1 percent of men are afraid of dogs."
[self added my moi : # 1 guy in particular always curi-s food. mmhmm =). males also lk messing up girls' hair. they cannot stop grinning when teased about a girl they like, that is, unless they are in PMS mood and start scolding...=)
# guys love online gaming. the ones in my generation at least. most of them. even my cousin whos in med uni plays. =s]
ahha. male talk? *grunt**grunt**handgestures*
"If you want to win her heart, you don't need expensive presents or jewelry. All you need is a restaurant reservation.
Men who want to impress a woman will do best to wine and dine her. Who says so? Not advice columnists. Not psychologists. Not marriage counselors. Not even women. Mathematicians say so.
A team of mathematicians from Imperial College London developed a mathematical formula to determine the best way to woo a woman. They did this by modeling courtship as a sequential game, report Reuters and New Scientist.
The results:
Cheap gifts: Women aren't impressed. Don't waste your money.
Expensive gifts: These definitely show a woman that the man in question has serious intentions, but the ploy can backfire if the woman is a gold-digger. Once she receives the gift, it's bye-bye Mister.
Dinner dates:
A dinner at a fancy restaurant or an elegant evening at the theater are considered expensive, but worthless gifts. (They're "worthless" because they don't have lasting value, such as a diamond pendant or a ruby ring). Why is a worthless gift so effective? If the woman is not interested and doesn't accept the invitation, there is no cost to the man. Spending a lot of money on dates is essential to impress the woman. Don't think a cheap fast food dinner followed by an at-home video on the old TV will do the trick. "Our analysis shows there is evolutionary logic in men 'burning money' to impress the girl," study co-author Robert Seymour told Reuters.
The takeaway: Dinner is better than a diamond, but the dinner had better include three courses, a bottle of wine, and a white linen tablecloth with romantic lighting. Violinists are optional.
The study findings were published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society of London."
i am bored. there's tons of hw. horrible sc-hol-class teacher. but at the same time, its a good thing theyre drilling us. i'm incapable of self-drilling. i love me too much?