Sunday, October 31, 2004


the sadness
can u imagine soon it'll be lk last day with the twins and tai yang and azrul?
no more walking into a class with kin hoes singing bouncing of the walls? (no comment about his choice of songs. they have ranged from baboons backside to just the eff word merrily sang lk a naiive child just learning that word but not its meaning. anyway.)
no more kin choongs shyly smiling across the life board at ly (i'll probly never forget it, its too good to tease ly)
no more tai yangs occasional craziness
no more azruls, well, presence. i never really was close to him i guess. but i mean, his not being here and all. i still will miss him =p
its so sad
today was in mv
and wanted to buy chestnuts
so i ordered
was told by the guy there to pay at the "per-mes-sie". he gestured v frantically to the pharmacy, so very happily i said OK! and went on. i was about to step foot in when it clicked. i'm paying for food. in a PHARMACY?!? so i went out. luckily for me this other guy was ordering chestnuts. v contentedly, i decided to stalk. and stalk i did.
btw, i paid for my chestnuts in a jusco pharmacy standing next to a mini mini shelf of durex. y do they put that at the counter? how many little kids are going to have polluted minds thanks to them.
i have found out i am considered fat.
it doesnt help that i have had a buffet today. or that lately i have developed a habit in which i cant stop eating. hm. have finished one whole bag of chestnuts by myself. hm!
fruit diet coming up!!!
i shall puassa with evana!
ahah!!i noe my excuse. i have no religion. so i mix and match. so, i am gonna puasa bcos, well, i feel lk mixing and matching. they cant chase me down after that can they? its. its. an infringement of my personal and religious rights, right?
god i feel so full.
i'm gonna miss them all. boohoo for me.

Monday, October 25, 2004

case of severe bigheaditis

i think my head is getting bigger.
maybe not.
i think it was always big
just somehow i managed to keep it in more control
now its just swelling and swelling
my skin type appears to be changing
i have dry eyelids, but yet
oily hair, oily noe, oily forehead
there is(are) a huge zit(s) on my forhead, nose, cheek
arrgh this is a catastrophe
my skin and big head shall be the death of me
but not before my huge six pack abs (so huge, they even joined to become one outgrowth from my stomach, well so maybe they arent abs, but noone need noe that, rite?rite.) and height(below 5 feet-argh?!) torture me
i have not grown since last last last last last last month.
oh well
tomorrow is talentine!!!
gonna go and be paparazzi i guess...
ooh!! get to cheer for all!!! yayness!
in class
we were playing like truth or dare. quite lame.
but kin choong wore madame girys dress!!! lol! so jakun he didnt noe how to wear it lol. he actually looked pretty in it lol!!pn azizan was laughing. but she wouldnt join. haha. he learns fast (?)... he helped weng sheng put on la carlotta's costume lol!! and pn zainab added a selendang-into-tudung around weng shengs head. too bad we werent allowed to take pix. oh well. at least i saw that lol.*saves pic in memory* hehe!!!
i'm sleepy. i need to read, and b4 that i have chores.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


things i learnt today in school
1. never take off ur shoes within eye distance of the boys in class.
way learnt: ly had to walk barefeet for quite a spell until the guys returned her shoe (key:singular). her other shoe was stuck in nic yeis locker. wj had to yank the door open.
2. if you point fingers at each other long enough, the prefects give up about the seaweed packets that were lying on the floor suspiciously near ly (ahem!)
3. u CAN wear sports attire to school and not get fined! fine. maybe i was a little bit paranoid about that issue. but still. not worth my money
4. when eating sambal, be careful. i have no idea how i ate until my shirt became quite messy. hm. jun kit play monopoly. esp the dice. they mysteriously move to the no. he wants even though they were different earlier. and count the no. of doubles he throws. i say that with love.

things i learnt at home
1. parents are on a completely different mind plane. well at least mine are.
2." showering" a very efficient way to get rid of stalkerish ppl stalking u online. ( =',',','( )
3. i must have been amazing to stay online for 6 hours last time. i have no idea wat to do.
4. i have forgotten all my science and geo. fine. i admit. i never knew there was a place called tasmania. sue me.
5. mosquitoes reALLLy love me. hehe.

Monday, October 18, 2004

a day where no cookie showed up

today was okla. boring at bits. didnt see the gorgeous at all. he didnt come. i mean! my gawking pleasure?!
cempaka is so eager to make school fun they over do it! hehe. dont they?
haha today watched movie in school
wat was it called again. drum line?? i dunno. it was okla. jc is a sappy movie person. i never knew that. did anyone?
watching a movie from sitting behind jun kit and nic yei? not a good idea. my neck hurts enough looking up to the screen. wat more peeking from behind jun kits shoulder? (his head takes up a LOT of screen space... and the actor guy was hott!!!!)
tomorrow meant to watch another movie. i shall nag someone to bring popcorn. tak syok any other way. hehe.
i have two new zits i think. or is it 3? oh crap its 3!!!! crap. i guess its not that many
but its the arrangement
i mean
how many ppl have zits forming a line almost exactly a lookalike of banjaran himalaya?
the guys counted lys total. apparently 66-something out of 700. kai sheng says its 'reachable'. i think it is. only if ure superhuman.
apparently ly lks kin choong, nic yei, and kai sheng. (probly the other way around)
apparently i lk wen jun.(haha he deserved to turn red, he tried accusing me ok lking someone, i forget who.)
note the word APPARENTLY.
OH!!!!!!! i must tell the story of nic yei's confessions.
it feels y geli to call him nic, and weird to call yei, so ly and i were calling him mr goh. haha. he was lk y do u think i lk jade lynn? and we lk dont u?! haha
so anyway
he was lk (to ly) "no i dont lk jade lynn, i love you...." hahahahahahaha!!!! lol! the best part is he continued saying "and when i lie i dont blush" when we lk oooOOOooo...
he was blushing while confessing.
a bunch of silly bimbos have walked past my house. i mean, is it not obvious my dogs are GATED in? is the bimboish save me save me kind of giggle neccessary?!? i shall have to tape a sign to my gate informing them that screaming aggravates my dogs. and if aggravated they bite. yes i should.
i have been called the word walrus
did i mention its damn fun playing snake and ladders (i noe, childish...) with nic yei and wen jun. especially if i win. hehe. syok.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


for the first time in ages feel lk blogging
theres nothing to do!
lk online
i mean
its only interesting when u chat
theres only how many ppl u can chat to
yelled at kai sheng today
i think everyone who watched was temporarily terkakued. not my fault.
i've seriously been having an overdose of him
and it all just accumulates
theres only how many times u can listen to his groaning "ohhh i think ly beat me..." without snapping. i snapped. and either my limit is VERY terhad with kai sheng, or he passed it. i'm inclined to believe the latter, no? fine. maybe not. but still
i bet everyone is going to think wat a horrible tempered person i am. maybe i am. think i am. hehe. especially when it comes to kai sheng.
feel kinda bad? cos jade helped me avoid another screaming session at kai sheng in the hall.
thanks jade! but now i think hes probably pissed at her too. (sorry jade...)
man i miss jethro. at least he argues to my face in words that normal ppl use. and its possible to blow at him once and let that be. i think. pretty much so anyhow. sigh.
on a happier note
am going to eat at kl hilton tomorrow!! =)=)
hehe so jakun sounding
i get 50% off (gloat gloat)
if i get dropped back late and miss that lunch
i will kill the bus uncle. hehe. i say that with love.