the wrong side of the bed.....
today i was lk completely blurrified. really wrong side of bed. was lk HUH?? the whole day!
so yeah, if i offended anyone, it was my grog alter ego. oops?
hm.forgot completely about eng hw! the paper plate thingy... i was lk shiiiit!!! nooooooooooo!
anyway i'm doing it now. have some old (seriously old) paper plates.
have this beYOUtiful pic of a totally demented chicken. i love it! but my sister said it looked like me. i beg your pardon! and it's from this site supposedly with pics of 'çhick's. not a porn site though. my sis was lk are u looking at chicks? i was lk wat the hell????? not me!! blame google k??
thats the demented chicken btw.