Sunday, May 30, 2004

holidays, but...

hmmm. the glorious teachers spoilt my holiday for me before it even started with the glorious amount of glorious hw.....
migod. i suck at jahitan!!! i mean i can do lk just boring bits that dont require thinking cos, well, anyone can and the cross stitch makes it damn easy.
and i can NOT bear kai sheng. he is and intolerable insufferable prig who uses my line to insult ME. MY line. to insult ME. yes i noe i am being beeechy, but it is intolerable. and HE is intolerable. and whoever DARE preach at me for being "mean" to him can go to hell! oh yes i am in a good mmoood, arent i?
finished my summary, compre, lit, geo, sej....
now left with kh, sej, compo, bnm, science.... the teachers are torturing!!!! i mean i do NOT have a bm newspaper..... and my ink does not like getting used up on... nvm.
its so nice to rant i let everything out of my ssystem then i feel so nice =). yep i feel better!!!
hehe. oh oh!! i cant wait to see hp3!!! more tom felton!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2004


oooo! today had nothing in particular to make me feel =D or =(
oh well
i think i have a boy-ish figrue! that is if i HAVE a figure! ='( much cause for misery...
so anyway
today we were doing needlework! and then suddenly kevin's finger lk got blood.... hehe... it was gross! so bloody, literally....
argk! tomorrow got comp test i thinks. no i do NOT want to study about a mac computer. i mean! i dont care how many usb ports it has or anything lk that! what use could it possibly be in my future?? so i can be a computer teacher lk mr ashvin or cik sheila??? i dont think so..!
oh!!! today jade and i planned out a scientific report. it's "top secret"!! and the experiments will be carried out to get accurate results and alll.... u get the scientific crapola. i cant wait! lk i cant wait to, and yet i damn scared to, carry out the experiment!!!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Friday, May 21, 2004


had swollen eyes and lips so skipped school
they were swollen till lk 1300!!!
i went to musicmakers today. i just realised cute jonathon leng has class finishing same time as mine every friday!!! yay!
then went la bodega..... hehe.... u noe,...... LA BODEGA for dinner=i.e. LONG TIME there!!! urg got inconsiderate idiots smoking there..... so annoying. and they couldnt keep the smoke to THEIR table... they just HAD TO breathe and blow it out in my direction. god someone shouldve complained!! i mean, its aggravating.... and they might think its cool, but wait till they're busy coughing up blood. BLAHHHHHH! stupid ppl! cannot tahan!!!! >(
and my sister tried to wake me up by saying something bout JEREMY MCCARTNEY... urg. confused name!! and i woke HER up by playing ALL my DS videos. man i love waking her up!

Monday, May 03, 2004

i'm BACK!

from camp that is. thruout the whole thing i was in lk a real foul mood. foul with a capital F.
okay. i'm not a beach person.
my face is burnt! skin peeling off my nose! wish my skin was invincible! lol. my sis says not to peel cos the skin under not ready. i say it is... it obviously wants some attn since its top layer is peeling its way off my face...
then OMG yesterday the stut concert
u noe wat mr chapatty said?
well i found out my duet partners name-ritwik
his surname i forgot. all i noe is that it started with cha, had a tt, and ended with ay.
first thing he said when he saw me : i dont like that shirt
it was the shirt i stopped wearing two years ago. the scribbling one. i was so pissed man!
then i made one mistake during the performance...
as we were going backstage he says : you made about 2000 mistakes!
that insufferable prig! i could insult him EVERY TIME i saw him! his belt-and pants! he pulls them up and it looks SO stupid.... his glasses have SUCH thick rims its lk YEOWCH.......
oh yeah
was disgusting
was backstage
there were some girls flirting with this guy i mean he's nice and all, but i mean.... ew??! gross
i decided that calling ppl ugly is just simply TOO mean for me. thats lk me being the pot calling the kettle black. so from now on, i shall say 'handsomely challenged'.... that's what my duet guy is! at least now dont have to see his seriously-lacking-in-looks-dept-face anymore... i'm not being mean btw, i'm being kind!